Worthy of Respect in a Political Party
Worthy of Respect in a Political Party
For Legal case Ali vs GPEW: Worthy of Respect in a Political Party
10 Sept 2022: Interview with Julie Bindel
10 July 2022: Free Speech Nation interview with Andrew Doyle.
27 Feb 2022: Free Speech Nation interview with Andrew Doyle.
19 Feb 2022: The Telegraph Green Party spokesman sues after being sacked for transgender views
Recent articles:
“We need to back reality – for the sake of the planet, for the sake of human rights and for the sake of how we do politics.”
Back Climate Reality
“I’ve been political for as long as I can remember. As a child, when I’ve asked my parents why people in faraway lands fought with one another it must have been out of incredulity that a planet, which bore such riches, could be cause for any kind of disharmony. Why didn’t people just get on? Though older and wiser about widespread inequality, this question still bugs me today – whether in awe of the mechanics of our planetary ecosystem or fascinated by human nature and motivation.
“I’m standing through necessity. We are the last generation able to save the planet from ourselves. Despite decades of knowing that we were living unsustainably, we carry on trying to have our cake and eat it – with a return to post-Covid short-haul flights and overconsumption. Millennia of technological advancement and unabated pursuit of desires have led to our standing on the edge of an abyss – collectively responsible for countless species extinctions, ecological devastation and now the prospect of universal death.
“After my active involvement for nearly two decades, I don’t think we have achieved enough. Yes, we’ve enjoyed record local election results, but with environmental consciousness and extreme weather calamities at an all-time high, we should be polling double-digit figures nationally.
Back Debating Reality
“When I joined, in 2002, Green Party conference felt like a university of ideas – where we could debate one another in good faith and still indulge in a round of drinks and laugh together. Today, we have become fractious and risk losing our sense of collective purpose (and humour).
“This conflict is evident in discussion of provision of services for transgender people and those who feel impacted by changes to services provided on same-sex lines, especially women. We must return to a culture of open debate, where the taking of offence is not used as a means to prevent those who do wish to debate from doing so.
“Party unity will not come from wishfully brushing problems under the carpet, or sitting on the fence while bullies continue their lies and intimidation, but from tackling challenges head on – and having those difficult conversations.
“You need a leader not afraid to question, and to actively take a stand against, the abuse directed upon women – many of whom have been driven to resign from parties and others of whom are resisting from within. I will not stand by as a feminist speaker is debarred from giving a talk at a public library by the Council itself. I do understand that a rape victim has the right to choose to be examined by a clinician of her sex as a matter of basic human dignity.
“I will defend and champion all the protected characteristics enshrined in the Equality Act 2010. This includes the sex-based rights of women and girls, some 52% of the population; a population we can see being persecuted in Afghanistan today.
“We must welcome women back to our party, many of whom are feeling politically homeless. No campaign for mass social and political transformation has ever succeeded without women. There will be no human rights for all if we do not succeed in averting universal death from the climate crisis we face.
“We need to back reality – for the sake of the planet, for the sake of human rights and for the sake of how we do politics.”
Worked in European Parliament
Published 'Why Vote Green?'
2010 & 2015
First BME Deputy of a UK Parliamentary party
Home Affairs/Policing & Domestic Safety Spokesperson
2017 - Feb 2022
Shahrar Ali was elected Deputy Leader of the Green Party in 2014, becoming in the process the first BME deputy of a UK parliamentary party. He entered green politics after working as a researcher in the European Parliament on the risk of GM foods. He has a PhD in philosophy, in which he tackled the morality of lying and deception. Shahrar edited Why Vote Green 2015, an impassioned call for environmental action in the 21st century.
“Principle without power benefits no one. Power without principle is not worth having.”
Shahrar Ali combines outstanding commitment to the well-being of the party with an impassioned call to Green voters everywhere.
Back Climate Reality
Back Climate Reality
A veteran grassroots campaigner, Shahrar has been fighting campaigns with the Green Party since joining in 2002.
Following an interview with the Guardian in which he described his number one priority for the Party as the Climate and Ecological Emergency, Shahrar Ali said:
“Time is running out for the human race to overcome climate change catastrophe. As Green Party Leader, I will articulate our bold vision for social, economic and environmental transformation. We must begin now a radical plan of investment in renewable technology and decarbonisation of every aspect of our lives.”
“Whichever recent measure you use, they are the hottest on record: the last ten years, the last five years or the last twelve months. Climate impacts are being felt now, today, through drought and disease. The consequences fall heavily on those least responsible for creating the problem.”
“I will help deliver the change that’s required, with the urgency and coherence that’s needed. The government offers up state capitalism as the new normal. Greens will offer Universal Basic Income and Green jobs for the millions that are about to become unemployed. We need to change what’s politically possible to deliver what’s scientifically necessary.”
Accomplished Media Performer
Accomplished Media Performer
An accomplished media performer and stirring public speaker, Shahrar is known for his ability to deliver in the public eye.
Don't take our word for it, take a look at some of the videos below to experience his speaking first hand:
Shahrar Ali Clashes with Amelia Womack Live on LBC Green Party Leadership Debate. 2 Sept 2021
Shahrar Ali was interviewed on BBC Daily Politics & Sunday Politics today where he spoke about the EU and solidarity - and the strong green case for voting remain.
Deputy Leader Shahrar Ali speaks at the Green Party's Spring Conference, 2016
A serious issue, a not-so serious interview: Shahrar Ali, our Home Affairs Spokesperson on BBC Two's Mash Report to discuss policing with Andrew Hunter Murray.
On BBC general election debate 2015, Deputy leader Shahrar Ali takes on the big guns, including Sadiq Khan, on the political issues facing our country, whether the housing crisis or the economic crisis.
Deputy Leader of the Green Party, Shahrar Ali, joined a panel debate on BBC South East Today to talk about the crisis in Calais and the humane response we should be taking.
GUARDIAN ARTICLE AND INTERVIEW 17 Aug 2021: SHAHRAR ALI tells the Guardian why free speech and mature debate is more important to politics than ever, ‘Green frontbencher at centre of trans rights row to run for leadership’
Responses to Member Climate Change questions here; Jewish Greens Survey here.
LBC Green Party Leadership Debate, 2 Sept 2021 - far-ranging debate available in full here (clip above)
Statement on Commitment to Animal Welfare and Animal Well-being.
MORNING STAR ARTICLE AND INTERVIEW 21 Aug 2021: Climate Emergency, Women’s Rights and Free Speech, Why I want to Lead the Green Party
INTERVIEW 24 July 2020: SHAHRAR ALI tells the Star why he's pitching himself as the ‘radical’ candidate in the Green Party leadership race, ‘We are an eco-socialist party and we shouldn't shy away from that’
NEWS 24 July 2020: ‘Disastrous’ alliance with Lib Dems cost the Greens its ‘credibility,’ leadership candidate says
GUARDIAN PODCAST: Guardian Politics interview, from 27.30 mark
VIDEO: "Animal Sentience": Shahrar Ali on BBC Daily Politics https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05p2x7z
PODCAST: "Moral Maze": Shahrar Ali (from 19'44" to 28'24") https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08g7mjy